Those who know me well are aware that I like to be as honest and upfront as possible, so I'll come out and say that I'm not the greatest fan of Casting Crowns' music. What I mean by that is that there are 3, maybe 4 songs per CD that I'll be able to really enjoy, but the rest - from a musical standpoint (and after all, I AM a musician) - are usually pretty anonymous.
The one thing which is indisputible however, is that Casting Crowns' lyrics are outstanding, and this recent book by the band's frontman and principal songwriter, Mark Hall goes behind the song titles of some of the group's best known and most loved songs, to tell the real-life stories that brought them into being.
Besides the stories behind the songs, Mark shares what he calls the "Godlines" that are the integral parts of each song, and on which the songs have their foundations. This has the effect of further bringing to life the songs, and demanding that you revisit them yourself.
For me, reading this book - and I'm still only halfway through at this point - has given me a deeper appreciation of just how important these songs are, not just to the body of Christ, but to all people, and although I may still not be musically moved by a lot the band does, this doesn't in any way diminish my appreciation of the value of Casting Crowns today.
Long may they continue to challenge us, and long may God continue to speak through Mark Hall's songs.
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