About Me

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Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Broadcaster, musician, song writer, tea drinker and curry lover.

Friday, November 29, 2013

International Celebrations

Ah the joys of Thanksgiving! I know it's not a British thing, but I do think we can learn something from the holiday in it's purest form. How often do we spend time remembering all the things we are thankful for? Not nearly enough, I'm willing to wager. The truth is, whether we choose to see it or not, we ALL have things we can point to in our lives where we can say we are grateful to God. It's just an exercise we choose not to perform very much, if at all.
After last night's Thanksgiving dinner, remembering not just what God has done for me in my life but also those who stood faithfully beside me through thick and thin over the last few years and kept my faith strong, it is time now to move on to doing Christmas the German way tonight.

My family ancestry is German, which I think affords a perfect opportunity to be part of a Nikolausabend for the local twinning society. German buffet -- meats, red cabbage, sauerkraut, followed by desserts, gluhwein and such, and even some German carols should make for a fun evening.

Now to find some other nationalities with which I have links!

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