Let's be clear also. I am convinced that Barack Obama is not the right man to govern the USA either.
I realize that both statements will incur wrath from either side, but that's pretty much to be expected. I believe absolutely that both men are totally sincere in what they believe, but still I'm sure Romney fans will accuse me
of being anti-Mormon, while Obama fans usually take any disagreement with his policies to mean that such a person is racist.
Turning first to Romney, there are enough fundamental differences between Christianity and Mormonism for any deep links between the two to be wrong. That said, I have reached the point of view after much discussion with American Republican friends that as long as Romney's manifesto pledges do not conflict with our Christian beliefs, I can co-exist with him as President.
That isn't really the issue though. Sometimes you just get a gut feeling about someone - the kind of feelings you definitely got with both John McCain and Sarah Palin - that something just isn't right. There is a lack of - for want of a better term - statesmanship, and I sadly have to say I get the same feeling with Mitt Romney. Nothing to do with his religion, just a gut feeling of something not being right, and at this stage my instinct tells me that he is not going to win November's Presidential election. I hope I am wrong.
Turning now to the incumbent, I made no secret of not wanting him to be President (although the alternative wasn't much more palatable, to be frank) for reasons of policy - although it is almost inevitable that I will be accused of racism to the point that even trying to defend myself is all but futile.
It is a real shame in this day and age, that you cannot disagree with someone's politics and opinions without being branded in a wider argument. It is the same in other sectors of public discussion, which I will avoid mentioning because of the can of worms it would open up.
Suffice it to say that I have openly disagreed with the POLICIES of Barack Obama, and I still do. I still feel he is not the right man to lead America, and I hope that he is voted out. However, I want to say as clearly as it is possible to make it, that I respect the individual, the person who Barack Obama is, and although you will find on Facebook plenty of disagreement from me as to his policies and what he stands for, I challenge ANYONE to find one single occasion when I have attacked the person that is Barack Obama, when I have slandered his character, and more importantly, his race. (and just as an aside, accusing someone of lying is neither racism or suggesting they are a habitual liar - even if they are!)
It is a shame that I have to say any of this, but in the scramble for moral high ground in this election, there is a rush to appear holier than the opposition.
In case anyone thinks I have no right to pontificate on America, that's fine. You are entitled to think that. I spent only 5 years living there, but that gave me a chance to get a small glimpse into the state of the nation, not one that gives me any authority, but one that gives me the right to have my say.

I really hope and pray America gets the right guy in November. I have to say I have no idea who that should be, but my sense is that it won't be Mitt Romney. Whatever happens I continue to pray for my home from home, and I apologize if I have upset any of my friends who see Romney as the answer. I really, really hope you are right.
1 comment:
well said. i find it funny everyone talks about obama as black. i thought he was mixed race!?
from a mixed race person in england
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