It has been several weeks since I discovered I had to go back to the UK for a period of time that nobody really can predict. During those few weeks I have gone through a variety of emotions - as you can probably imagine - but I've reached the point where I've accepted my fate and have been recently looking at what I can do positively with all this, and how I can make the most of what appears to be God calling me back to the UK for a season.
First it is important to say that I feel as strongly as ever that I have been called to this place, this country, and I most definitely do not feel that that calling is over. In fact the opportunities are only just beginning at church, with all manner of plans for what is a very exciting time on Saturday nights, and many potential projects arising from that. I feel right at the center of these projects, and as engaged as ever. I'll certainly be closely following what happens there whilst out of the country.
Then of course there is work, where exciting things are also happening, and I look forward to being a part of them soon as well.
With all that said, I have to acknowledge that it does seem that God is calling me back to the UK, which will still be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, even though I am returning to my home country. Despite this, it is important to be obedient, and let's face it, with God there really is no viable alternative to obedience. Let me explain why returning is so hard, and at the same time, try to dispel any misunderstandings that may arise.
For a number of years in the UK I felt like I was just "passing through". It was hard to explain exactly why, but I had that feeling from the mid-to-late 90s. I have made a number of good friends in my time in the UK, but strangely, there were very few that I could describe as lifelong ones. Don't get me wrong, I certainly have people in the UK I miss like crazy, and that I am excited to get to see, but in the relatively short time I have been here in the U.S. I seem to have been able to make many more deeper friendships that are really more like family.
This explains why it will be so hard to leave this place because it really feels like I am leaving home and family behind. At the same time though, I am aware that this might seem to British people that I am in some way resentful of coming back, but although it will certainly break my heart to leave here, I have been very conscious of the need to return to the UK with the right attitude.
It would be very easy to go back with resentful feelings. I need to say that I have absolutely no resentment towards the people I have missed in Britain, and who I am excited to see again. In all honesty, while I have missed the people in the UK, I really haven't missed the place, and I think that's okay. I could go back in a state of defeat and just give up, but because I know that the story in this country for me is not over, I can go with a positive attitude and look for the ways in which God can use me while I am there.
Realizing that God wants me in the UK for a season leads me to determine to look for the ways in which I can be used by him while there. Look for the opportunities, make myself available to him. Look to serve him in whatever way I can. In so doing I will be able to maximize every opportunity and also feel that my time there will be put to good use, rather than just waiting to get back to the U.S. God takes us through seasons during which we need to adapt to whatever he throws at us, and it is in adapting and looking to make the most of every chance that we get to grow.
I want to grow as a person, and as a follower of Christ during my time in the UK, however long it may be. I want to be able to come back to the U.S. a stronger, more complete person, who maybe understands a little more about the season I will have been through. Sometimes God doesn't ever explain or make obvious why a certain course opens up, but my responsibility, starting right now, is to remain positive, to see this season as an opportunity to be a blessing to someone, or some people, to serve God, and to grow. Please pray with me that I will be able to do that.
Wow Steve! Inspiring... seriously so proud of you friend... to take such a hard blow and turn it into something that Glorifies God is beautiful! How will use this and you will be blessed... as you are now! I will be praying my guts out for you brother!
If you come back with this mind-set I am certain that God will bless you and use you to fulfil the next part of His plan for your life.
Satan is the great deceiver and he would like you to feel that God has let you down, or doesn't care about you, or that you have 'failed'.
This is not true, of course... and His plans for you are GOOD and not to harm you.
Well said, my friend. He will use you.
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