I was at the New Members Class at church all day Saturday. It's a good way of meeting people, as well as preparing yourself to integrate into the church and identify the areas in which one might most effectively be of service.
I have to say though that the thing which challenged me the most was Pastor David's outline of his approach to spending time alone with God. It really challenged and inspired me to try and not only organize my devotional time better, but also to devote much more time to God and getting "into" the word than I have been up til now.
To be honest, my prayer/devotional life - such as it is - has been a total mess, and a source of a lot of personal frustration, because as I'm sure you can relate to, I KNOW that I ought to do better, and I also know that my life would be enriched if I were to get myself better organised and give God more time.
So anyway, I know that this process will take a little time, but I've vowed to get up much earlier than of late, organise my prayer and devotional time, assign different prayer subjects to different days, and generally ensure that the day STARTS with God, because if you don't start the day with God, you set the tone for whatever will follow.
So far I do feel a little more together and, dare I say it, peaceful, but I also recognize that different approaches work for different people, so I would never tell another Christian how they should order their life. I just throw this out in case it might inspire, or jolt someone.
I'd be interested in your thoughts on all this, because some people can get so consumed by guilt over all this (which is just what the enemy wants), when it really calls for determination.
So grit your teeth!
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