Well, to no-one's great surprise, the big bail-out was rejected, thanks in no small part to Nancy Pelosi's rather unsubtle derailing speech beforehand, but with oil prices (and therefore gas prices) set to free fall downwards, what Pelosi clearly meant to cause harm when she opened her big mouth could actually turn out to be rather good news for the man in the street!
So thanks Nancy. All we need to do next time we need a break is get you to open your trap!
Steve Best works for a Christian media ministry in the UK, having spent 5 years in Oregon, USA with an affiliated organization. These are his random thoughts on life and all its challenges, triumphs and foibles.
About Me

- Steve Best
- Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
- Broadcaster, musician, song writer, tea drinker and curry lover.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Lincoln Brewster - Today Is The Day

As far as I am aware, this is Lincoln Brewster's first full album of original material since around 2002, and as such it is long overdue, but believe me, it is well, WELL worth the wait.
In the intervening years since his last full studio effort, a lot has changed in Lincoln World. Perhaps the most significant fact as it affects this album is that he has his own fully functioning studio which allows for more creativity and less time pressure, and it could be this that has resulted in Lincoln's most liberated-sounding recording of his career.
Originally, this project was to be another live one, but lucky for us that Lincoln and band are able to give full rein to their endless creativity and musical sensibility.
Finally Brewster sounds like he is really able to be himself, firing off a series of brilliantly unfeasible riffs and solos, and in the process creating a funky, rocking, but ultimately worshiping wonderland.
Highlights are many, from the ridiculously catchy title track, co-penned with Paul Baloche, through the equally infectious shuffle groove of "Everywhere I Go", the joyous Black Gospel romp of "Give Him Praise", which features the silken vocal cords of Israel Houghton, the gorgeous "God You Reign" which features the voices of Lincoln's wife and 2 young sons.
But maybe the two best moments are saved until last, the definitive version of Joel Houston's "Salvation Is Here" which is longer than the previously available Lincoln version of this song, with the addition of an extra rocking middle section. And then there's closer "Let Your Glory Shine", which is the sound of Eddie Van Halen finding Christ.
There are few words that can adequately express just how good this song is. From a musician's point of view it has everything; a ludicrous opening guitar salvo, a wickedly funky groove with a humungus drum sound and a massive singalong chorus. And then just when you're settling into expecting a funky solo halfway through the song, Lincoln pulls a master stroke. Off we head into a totally different tempo and rock groove a la Van Halen before returning to the funk groove for a delicious ending. Genius.
All in all, the best album by far that Lincoln Brewster has made, and one which finds him acknowledging his rock, gospel and funk tastes whilst also musically namechecking the likes of John Mayer, whose influence on the record seems clear.
Any musician will eat this album up, while any worshiper will find encouragement and inspiration.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Well said, Greg Gutfeld

According to many in the media, we truly have discovered someone worse than Hitler — and it's Sarah Palin.
Head to any left-wing blog or even CNN for that matter and you'll find the zaniest of conspiracies -- froth that even a dude with rabies would find unseemly.
So how can one person create so much bile among folks who claim to be the most tolerant in the universe? I mean, liberals are the good people: They're open-minded, caring and of course, fair.
But somehow, a Republican lady in her 40s is exempt from this treatment. Perhaps, she truly is the devil in a dress, a ghoul that eats children and pollutes the planet and possibly beats Barack Obama, the patron saint of every customer buying wheat germ in bulk at GNC.
But I know the real reason why every single elitist media type is terrified of her. They've never met her. And by "her," I don't mean Sarah Palin. I mean "her", an actual normal woman with a bunch of kids, an average husband and no desire to watch "The L Word."
She's scary to these folks the way Wal-Mart is scary to them: Both are alien to someone who blogs about their chakras. They won't go there, because they've never been there.
To them, hating Sarah Palin is a symptom of larger bigotry against the rest of us, the normal. If they saw her at a party, they would wonder how she got in. She's the anti-Obama, the anti-New York Times, the anti-everything that Tim Robbins loves, which is why I love her — and you should too.
And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
McCain/Palin - the ONLY hope for the United States

BUT, in the 17 months I've been living here, it's not been hard to assimilate just what's going on on each side of the political pond here, and I for one would be extremely concerned for the future safety and well being of this country if Barack Obama got into power.
For starters, here's a guy - like so many Democrats before him - that wants power for the sake of it. You only have to look at what he wants to do on day 1 to see that. Raise taxes, pull out of a war in Iraq that - despite what he might think - is all but won, stop drilling here for oil, relying instead on other nations to drain our dollars. So paranoid about political correctness and not upsetting anyone that he weakens the rights of EVERYONE. He also wants to potentially kill innumerable unborn babies in the name of choice. What choice does the unborn fetus get Barack?
Here is a man who has virtually NO relevant experience, and yet criticizes the opposing RUNNING MATE for the same thing, only it turns out she has more actual executive experience than HE has.
Here is a man who seems to think that the cult of celebrity is enough to win him the White House, and yet whose foreign policy shortcomings were ably demonstrated only a few weeks back when he asserted that the United Nations could end the Georgia conflict, blissfully unaware that one of the protagonists has a permanent veto in the UN.
Here is a man who, if criticized, plays the race card at the drop of a hat, and we KNOW if he loses the election (which I pray he will) will do just that.
John McCain knows what it's like to serve his country, and that's what he'll do, putting country first, not his own interests. He will be consistent and will use his huge experience to benefit the country.
In Sarah Palin, the US will have a VP who understands people, families and industry. Someone who values the sanctity of life and understands that children in any circumstances, whether you like it or not, are a GIFT not a MILLSTONE.
In short, McCain/Palin truly are the only hope for the United States. God help us all if Obama gets in. God help us all.
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